Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bagpipe sheet music wanted certain tunes?

Here is the link to some free Scottish tunes:

Here is link to a more general site that lists many sites for bagpipe sheet music:

If you want to buy music, go to amazon or a specialist sheet music site. But if you can get it for free, why buy?

Bagpipe sheet music wanted certain tunes?comedy club


They have a great variety of free sheet music, and a very powerful sheet music search engine.

Bagpipe sheet music wanted certain tunes?sheet music opera theater

There's a website in development where you soon will be able to purchase individual piping tunes much like purchasing music at iTunes:

If you are looking for public domain tunes, one site to visit is:

There used to be copyright tunes available online, but as copyright awareness has increased, most of these illegal sites have been shut down. (Voluntarily or involuntarily!) There are a lot of great traditional (public domain) tunes out there anyway. And tune books are pretty cheap when you think about it: cost of the book versus how many tunes you get.

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